Rose recently produced this very unusual piece of work which she called ‘Cloak of Patina’ – I think you can see where the name came from!
The inspiration came from watching bronze and copper change colour due to oxidation, age and exposure to environmental factors and the wonderful patina that develops. Rose interpreted the colour and textures created by this process through wet felting with superfine Merino wool and silk fibres and dying the felt using powder dyes.
We asked Rose to describe the techniques she used to felt and dye the piece for those fans of felting out there who would like to create something similar themselves:
‘ You need Superfine merino wool blended with silk fibers in natural colour. Then cut out 3 resists which should have straight edges on one side and curves on the other. There are a total of five layers of wool used.
Lay out first layer of wool diagonally in the shape of your choice. Then lay a second layer across. Now place one resist where you choose and cover this with a layer of wool. Then place a second resist and another layer of wool and then finally the last resist and the last layer of wool. All of the wool is to be placed diagonally on the resists.
Wet with warm water and olive soap. Cover with bubble wrap and rub to spread the water through the wool. Rub for a few minutes so as to get the fibers to felt together. Now place pool noodle on bubble wrap and roll up. Roll 50 times in one direction than another until fully felted. Cut out resists and manipulate the overlaps into shape. Rinse in vinegar and water.
To Dye I used Eurolana powder dyes Paint brushes and cling film.
Mix a small amount of blue, red, yellow dyes with water in individual jars. Place felted piece on sheet of cling film. Paint the dyes on to felt with separate paintbrushes, try not to overlap colours too much. Roll felt quiet tightly in the cling film like a sausage. Get a microwavable dish put some water in the bottom and place the cling film parcel into it. Microwave on full power for 2 mins at a time, allow to cool for a minute and repeat for a total of 6 minutes making sure that there is water in the dish all through microwave process. When finished allow to cool, open and rinse in cold water. Place felted piece on to a towel and pull into shape. Some fabric stiffener can be sprayed on at this stage if needed. Allow to dry.’
That is a beautiful, beautiful piece of art. The colour, the textured look of it and the overall design and shape. I LOVE it.
If any of you ladies hold workshops, anywhere, anytime, I would love to know about them.
Keep up the great work.
Hi Patricia, thanks so much. If you sign up to our newsletter you’ll be the first to know about any workshops that we are running. Best – Vanessa