Last chance this week to see ‘Endangered’, an exhibition by members of Feltmakers Ireland at the Visitor Centre, Phoenix Park until 29th August. Our own talented members, Marie Dunne and Elaine Peden, have pieces in the exhibition – beautiful colours and exquisite work ….
‘Protect’ , Marie DunneMarie: “Our world is endangered by climate change. Climate change and global warming is the greatest threat to life on earth. Our planet is warming to a degree beyond what species can handle, altering habitats and could, eventually eliminate life on earth. I chose the warm colours to represent heat and circles to represent our planets. A wrap to protect, to shield – a symbol of safety”.“Dive straight in keep your eyes wide open”, Elaine PedenWe have featured Elaine’s piece before while it was a work in progress – now its time to see the finished piece in all its beauty. Elaine’s piece arises from concern about all the plastic in our oceans and how plastic particles are being consumed by fish and humans alike.Elaine: “I made this piece outdoors, laying out the fibres on our long, hot early Covid summer days. My work is process led ; colour plays an integral role in my work. I chose lemon and golden yellow as my primary colour base, (a colour I have avoided until now) the sun reflecting off the sea. The circular openings draws the eye to look inside , the ‘Blue’ luminous fabrics and silks buried in the voids , reflects deep sea dumping , microplastics, and the impact of consumer culture, mainly the use of plastics, on our oceans”.