Here is some of the creative and explorative work happening in our group at the moment.
Who would have thought that those twisted handles on paper shopping bags could be transformed into a work of art. Dee untwisted the handles, dyed them using the ice dying process and incorporated them with French knots onto beautiful linen fabric.

Fidelma has taught herself needle felt making during lockdown and has created these beautiful leaves as part of a piece for a group exhibition later this year – details of that exhibition will be announced shortly.

Catherine Dowling has been completing the workshops on During this Community Stitch Challenge a different textile artist delivers a burst of inspiration each week in the form of a free online workshop for people to take part in from the comfort of their own home. These workshops ran very successfully last year and started again in March this year. This particular exercise was stitching on paper, given by the renowned artist Jennifer Collier. Catherine’s only comment “paper is very unforgiving!