Home » A hen party with a difference

A hen party with a difference

Our very hard working member, Asta Gauronskyte, had another unusual and creative idea about two years ago.  Instead of doing nothing about it, as most of us would do, she approached her neighbours at the Kippure Estate in Co. Wicklow with a proposal.   It took some time to come to fruition but this summer it came to life!  The idea was to offer a hen-themed felting workshop to would-be brides as an alternative to the usual ‘L’ plates and plastic tiara events.  Not only does it provide a chance to relax with friends in party mode, but also it is an opportunity to learn the ancient art of felting and work collaboratively to create a stunning felt lily bouquet.

Felted Lily bouquet

There were 24 people in the first group to book the event so Asta called on the help of Kathrina Hughes for the occasion. It looks like it was good fun for all and everyone managed to produce a lily and imbibe some champagne at the same time!

Kippure Estate, in County Wicklow,  covers 240 acres of mature woodland and rolling farm pastures, and is surrounded by the wild, beautiful Wicklow Mountains and the winding waters of the River Liffey.  The rustic charm of Kippure and the wonderful scenery provides an ideal backdrop to a felting workshop!  Well done Asta and Kathrina.

Check out all the options for hen and stag parties and for weddings at this unusual location  http://kippure.com/weddings/wedding-venues-wicklow.htm





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