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Other exhibitions worth catching!

Besides our own exhibitions in Two Cooks Sallins and Las Rada Naas, you might like to drop in this week to see the CEAD Student Exhibition in the Design Building, National College of Art and Design, 100 Thomas Street, Dublin 8.  The exhibition runs until Friday 7th July between 10 a.m to 5 p.m (Friday closes at 2 p.m.) – sorry for late notice.

The CEAD programme (continuing education in art and design) offers summer, evening and part-time courses.  The annual CEAD Exhibition showcases the work of non-credit and accredited evening and part time students, many of whom go on to study Art and Design at degree and masters level at NCAD and beyond.

Work on show ranges from Painting, Drawing, Textile, Jewellery, Photography, Sculpture, Print, Stained Glass, Embroidery, Ceramics, Letterpress and Watercolours.

Of all the great work on show, this editor was drawn to the work of students doing the ‘Printed Textie Design’ course with Mel Bradley.  Of particular note was the work of Laura Wilkinson who has produced beautiful, screen-printed cushion covers with designs in gold foil, inspired by Sandymount Strand.

Laura’s research notebooks are almost as beautiful as her printed fabrics!  When I delve further I see she has her own website – auradesigns.ie where you can order the cushion covers.

Well worth dropping in to see the entire exhibition.

Speaking of sketchbooks/research notebooks, next week some of us are doing a summer course as part of the CEAD programme – it is a great way to learn new skills or hold on to your lesser used skills!!  The course we are doing is ‘Drawing and Research in Sketchbooks’ with Helen Killane and is an accredited course if one wanted to go on to do a part time certificate or diploma.

Have a creative summer!






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